Welcome to the Somavida Self-Care Page
We are excited to share helpful self-care tips on this page from our Somavida staff. We know our in person treatment sessions have given you much pain relief. We want to share ways for you to keep that pain relief at home!
This year we are introducing you to the MELT Method with the soft blue balls you have received! If you didn’t receive a soft blue ball in December or January, please let us know. We at Somavida have found this simple self-treatment method helps to reduce chronic pain. It can help make the pain relief you have received from Somavida last longer.
These gentle massaging techniques along with the soft ball you were given as a Christmas gift can increase fluid flow through the hands and feet to the whole body's connective tissue (fascia), thereby creating a chain reaction and reducing pain, stiffness, stress and tension. MELT techniques are easy, yet effective, and based on the concept that you don't have to cause pain to get out of pain.
Please note: If you have a diagnosed injury, condition or disease, talk to your doctor before you MELT. If you find the ball to be painful, please do not continue with this method. If you have questions, contact our MELT Certified Instructor - Lori Smith - anaturalfoot@gmail.com or go to anaturalfoot.com for more information.
MELT Method Foot Treatment
Foot treatments can help with all kinds of pain, but especially if your feet talk to you the first thing when you get out of bed. Try this 15 minute foot treatment and see how your feet respond!
Note: If you have recently had any broken toes or bones, surgeries or major injuries, wait until you’re fully healed and talk to your doctor before you MELT.
MELT Method Hand Treatment
The hand treatment is a great start to doing self-care for hand, arm, elbow or even neck and shoulder pain! Try this 10min treatment to see if it can help your pain!
Note: If you have recently had any broken bones in your hand, wrist or arm, surgeries or major injuries, wait until you’re fully healed and talk to your doctor before you MELT.
MELT Method Mini Face Treatment
Calling all TMJD clients who are having mild or moderate symptoms! Try this simple 10 minute treatment to see if it helps with your symptoms. This also can help with sinus issues and migraines.
Note: If you have had any recent surgeries or are having extreme pain, talk to your doctor before you MELT.
All these videos were published by the MELT Method founder Sue Hitzmann. Our Foot-Care specialist, Lori Smith, is a MELT Certified Instructor and can help answer questions you have at anaturalfoot@gmail.com.
There is so much more to explore about the MELT Method - feel free to explore the MELT method youtube channel or go to their webpage.